Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Summer Pinterest Challenge: DIY Reupholstered ottoman

So I actually got some DIY projects done this past weekend while Mike was away at drill. I'm really excited with how they turned out. I was also motivated by the summer Pinterest Challenge that Censational Girl, Young House Love, Bower Power and Ten June threw out there last week.

I found this reupholstered ottoman on Pinterest that really inspired me to redo mine.

What you'll need:

- Staple Gun
- Fabric (in my case about 2 yards)
- roll of nail head trim (I bought a roll at Jo-Ann Fabrics for $19.99
- Rustoleum Dark Walnut in Satin Spray Paint

Ok, so here's what my 7 year old ottoman looked like.

The legs were all nicked and chipped!

First, I removed the legs with an allen wrench

Then I used a staple gun and tightly wrapped the fabric around all four sides of the ottoman

Here's what it looked like reupholstered. Like brand new!

Then I rested it on its side and started to hammer in the nailhead trim with a rubber mallet

Finally, I went outside and spray painted all 4 legs, they looked amazing after 2 minutes. I love spray paint!

And here's the final product........................

(Casey wanted to be a model in my little photo shoot. Honestly, when she decides to lay down somewhere, there's no chance in hell of moving her. Damon is hiding in the background, big surprise, ha!)

And a little Instagram action!


  1. This looks great! Love the nailhead trim

  2. SO beautiful!! And no sewing- perfect for me!! Now on my list to thrift shop for is one of these! Thank you!

  3. Beautiful makeover! I love the fabric and the nail-head trim.

  4. Thank you so much! Such an easy project that made a huge impact.
