
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Getting Fit with "Crossfit Mamas"

Well, I'm not a Mama yet, but I can still appreciate this new blog I came across yesterday called Crossfit Mamas

Crossfit is all the rage right now, with Crossfit gyms popping up everywhere. I have to admit, my husband has been doing Crossfit since 2004 when he was deployed to Iraq. They were all doing it then, so I'd like to think he was trending way back in 2004, ha! Anyway, I came across this mother of 4 who started a blog with modified Crossfit workouts that she learned from her husband that has been doing this for years. I love how she posts the WOD (workout of the day) so I can check at work or on my iphone once I get to the gym. The beauty of these workouts is that she designed them so that they are no more than 20 minutes; you're doing them for time, so that's how you get your heartrate up and cardio workout in for the day. With four little ones, she didn't have time to get to a gym and workout for an hour. Also, you can do many of these workouts at home if you can't get to the gym, or your hotel room if you're traveling. Yesterday was my first try at her WOD, "Angie" and it kicked my you know what! I love how it hurts to walk up the stairs today. Just proves to me that I got a good workout in. Well, I hope you check her out, it's a great blog. Visit:

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